Teaching Foreign Languages Through Online Education


This course offers interactive solutions to the problems and needs of English language teachers based on actual online education experiences in Turkey.

The course also makes functional suggestions about how the four major language skills can be taught more effectively via online education although teaching of the four major language skills is mostly ignored or disrupted even in face-to-face education.

With a stronger emphasis on practice than theory, this course provides practical examples about which resources English language teachers can resort to for an effective teaching of the four skills so that not only their teaching practices can be more beneficial for the students but also they can learn while teaching and thusly, contribute to their professional satisfaction. 

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  • Teaching listening skills through online resources
  • Teaching speaking skills through online resources
  • Teaching reading skills through online resources
  • Teaching writing skills through online resources
  • Pre- and In-Service Teachers of English
  • Learners of English as an FL
  • Pre- and In-Service Primary School Teachers
  • A personal computer with internet connection and basic computer literacy.

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